The Lost Art of Remembering

Anna Cianni

Humans have prioritized the preservation of events, accomplishments, and history since the beginning of time. It started with pictures painted on cave walls, then became verbal stories and folklore passed down from generation to generation. Now we take and share photos and videos at nearly every special event in our lives. Today there are endless ways to preserve our memories and keep them alive...but are we really using them?

When was the last time you printed out a digital photo? Saved a ticket stub? Collected a trinket? Memory and the preservation of history are what keep tradition alive! That's why making a "Memory Box" is so important! It's never too late to start preserving your memories now by creating your very own Memory Box!

Memory boxes in some form are popular all over the world and are used to keep memories alive through physical items. Whether you want to remember an important birthday, graduation, achievement, historical moment, or a person, the memory box is perfect. It encourages people to keep physical items in a safe, protective place to be cherished for years to come. Whenever you want to remember that significant person, place, or event, just open your memory box. Seeing relevant memorabilia from that time period will trigger a flood of wonderful memories!

Sullivan Entertainment explores the importance of preserving family history in their productions. Common themes of nearly every single Sullivan Entertainment production include family values, overcoming obstacles and hardships, preserving the past and carrying on family traditions. Now you can start remembering too! Get the exquisite Avonlea Memory Box from Shop At Sullivan. It is designed to be beautiful and nostalgic and comes with vintage style photo album!

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